Peroxide meaning in Hindi

Peroxide is a english word.

Peroxide Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • peroxide = रसायनिक

    • Usage: Peroxide is used to bleach hair and to kill the bacteria of superficial wounds.

Peroxide Meaning in Detail

  • peroxide (noun) = a viscous liquid with strong oxidizing properties; a powerful bleaching agent; also used (in aqueous solutions) as a mild disinfectant and (in strong concentrations) as an oxidant in rocket fuels

    Synonyms: hydrogen_peroxide, peroxide

  • peroxide (noun) = an inorganic compound containing the divalent ion -O-O-

    Synonyms: peroxide

  • peroxide (verb) = bleach with peroxide

    Synonyms: peroxide

    • Usage: She must peroxide her hair-it looks unnaturally blond
  • Other words to learn

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