Pierce meaning in Hindi

Pierce is a english word.

Pierce Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pierce = छेदित करना

    • Usage: The bullet pierced his hand.
  • pierce = चुभाना

    • Usage: she pierced that pencil nib on my finger.
  • pierce = प्रभावित करना

    • Usage: Her speech pierced the audience.

Pierce Meaning in Detail

  • pierce (noun) = 14th President of the United States (1804-1869)

    Synonyms: Pierce, Franklin_Pierce, President_Pierce

  • pierce (verb) = cut or make a way through

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: the knife cut through the flesh
    • Usage: The path pierced the jungle
    • Usage: Light pierced through the forest
  • pierce (verb) = move or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: The cold pierced her bones
    • Usage: Her words pierced the students
  • pierce (verb) = sound sharply or shrilly

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: The scream pierced the night
  • pierce (verb) = penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument

    Synonyms: pierce, thrust

  • pierce (verb) = make a hole into

    Synonyms: pierce

    • Usage: The needle pierced her flesh
  • Other words to learn

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