Pirate meaning in Hindi

Pirate is a english word.

Pirate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pirate = समुद्री डाकू

    • Usage: The notorious pirate is shot dead.
  • pirate = साहित्यिक चोर

    • Usage: The pirate video cassettes are now banned.
  • pirate = रास्ते से चुरा लेनेवाले

    • Usage: The interference with radio reception was caused by pirates.

Pirate Meaning in Detail

  • pirate (noun) = someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own

    Synonyms: plagiarist, plagiarizer, plagiariser, literary_pirate, pirate

  • pirate (noun) = someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation

    Synonyms: pirate, buccaneer, sea_robber, sea_rover

  • pirate (noun) = a ship that is manned by pirates

    Synonyms: pirate, pirate_ship

  • pirate (verb) = copy illegally; of published material

    Synonyms: pirate

  • pirate (verb) = take arbitrarily or by force

    Synonyms: commandeer, hijack, highjack, pirate

    • Usage: The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami
  • Other words to learn

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