Platoon meaning in Hindi

Platoon is a english word.

Platoon Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • platoon = पलटन

    • Usage: The platoons were led by the lieutinant.

Platoon Meaning in Detail

  • platoon (noun) = a military unit that is a subdivision of a company; usually has a headquarters and two or more squads; usually commanded by a lieutenant

    Synonyms: platoon

  • platoon (noun) = a team of policemen working under the military platoon system

    Synonyms: platoon

  • platoon (noun) = a group of persons who are engaged in a common activity

    Synonyms: platoon

    • Usage: platoons of tourists poured out of the busses
    • Usage: the defensive platoon of the football team
  • Other words to learn

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