Plucky meaning in Hindi

Plucky is a english word.

Plucky Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • plucky = वीर

    • Usage: Subhash chandra was very plucky.

Plucky Meaning in Detail

  • plucky (adj) = marked by courage and determination in the face of difficulties or danger; robust and uninhibited; it was a gutsy thing to do"

    Synonyms: gutsy, plucky

    • Usage: you have to admire her
    • Usage: the gutsy...intensity of her musical involvement"-Judith Crist
    • Usage: a gutsy red wine
  • plucky (adj) = showing courage

    Synonyms: feisty, plucky, spunky

    • Usage: the champion is faced with a feisty challenger
  • Other words to learn

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