Polarity meaning in Hindi

Polarity is a english word.

Polarity Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • polarity = एक साथ विरोधी वृत्तियाँ

    • Usage: Political party in power and in opposition are said to be in polarity with each other.
  • polarity = विचारों में भिन्नता

    • Usage: The polarity of a magnet doesn't exist individually.

Polarity Meaning in Detail

  • polarity (noun) = a relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies

    Synonyms: mutual_opposition, polarity

    • Usage: he viewed it as a balanced polarity between good and evil
  • polarity (noun) = having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges)

    Synonyms: polarity, sign

    • Usage: he got the polarity of the battery reversed
    • Usage: charges of opposite sign
  • Other words to learn

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