Precedent meaning in Hindi

Precedent is a english word.

Precedent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • precedent = पूर्विका

    • Usage: A decission without precedent is useless.
  • precedent = मिसाल

    • Usage: Remember this incident as a precedent.

Precedent Meaning in Detail

  • precedent (noun) = an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time

    Synonyms: precedent, case_in_point

  • precedent (noun) = (civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions

    Synonyms: case_law, precedent, common_law

  • precedent (noun) = a system of jurisprudence based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws

    Synonyms: common_law, case_law, precedent

    • Usage: common law originated in the unwritten laws of England and was later applied in the United States
  • precedent (noun) = a subject mentioned earlier (preceding in time)

    Synonyms: precedent

  • precedent (adj) = preceding in time, order, or significance

    Synonyms: precedent

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