Premium meaning in Hindi

Premium is a english word.

Premium Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • premium = बीमा-किस्त

    • Usage: I pay a premium of Rs.500 every month for a life insurance policy.
  • premium = लाभांश

    • Usage: R.K. Investments pays a premium of 5% on long term investment.
  • premium = अधिमूल्य

    • Usage: Inspite of being offered a premium rent, he didn't gave his land on lease.

Premium Meaning in Detail

  • premium (noun) = payment for insurance

    Synonyms: premium, insurance_premium

  • premium (noun) = the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value

    Synonyms: premium

    • Usage: they paid a premium for access to water
  • premium (noun) = a fee charged for exchanging currencies

    Synonyms: agio, agiotage, premium, exchange_premium

  • premium (noun) = a prize, bonus, or award given as an inducement to purchase products, enter competitions initiated by business interests, etc.

    Synonyms: premium

    • Usage: they encouraged customers with a premium for loyal patronage
  • premium (noun) = payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military

    Synonyms: bounty, premium

  • premium (adj) = having or reflecting superior quality or value

    Synonyms: premium

    • Usage: premium gasoline at a premium price
  • Other words to learn

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