Pressing meaning in Hindi

Pressing is a english word.

Pressing Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pressing = दबाव डालकर वस्तु बनाना

    • Usage: The factory manufactures pressings from aeroplane bodies.
  • pressing = अत्यावश्यक

    • Usage: Employment for all is the pressing need for hour.

Pressing Meaning in Detail

  • pressing (noun) = the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure

    Synonyms: press, pressure, pressing

    • Usage: he gave the button a press
    • Usage: he used pressure to stop the bleeding
    • Usage: at the pressing of a button
  • pressing (noun) = a metal or plastic part that is made by a mechanical press

    Synonyms: pressing

  • pressing (verb) = exert pressure or force to or upon

    Synonyms: press

    • Usage: He pressed down on the boards
    • Usage: press your thumb on this spot
  • pressing (verb) = force or impel in an indicated direction

    Synonyms: urge, urge_on, press, exhort

    • Usage: I urged him to finish his studies
  • pressing (verb) = to be oppressive or burdensome

    Synonyms: weigh, press

    • Usage: weigh heavily on the mind", "Something pressed on his mind
  • pressing (verb) = place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure

    Synonyms: press

    • Usage: pressed flowers
  • pressing (verb) = squeeze or press together

    Synonyms: compress, constrict, squeeze, compact, contract, press

    • Usage: she compressed her lips
    • Usage: the spasm contracted the muscle
  • pressing (verb) = crowd closely

    Synonyms: press

    • Usage: The crowds pressed along the street
  • pressing (verb) = create by pressing

    Synonyms: press

    • Usage: Press little holes into the soft clay
  • pressing (verb) = be urgent

    Synonyms: press

    • Usage: This is a pressing problem
  • pressing (verb) = exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for

    Synonyms: crusade, fight, press, campaign, push, agitate

    • Usage: The liberal party pushed for reforms
    • Usage: She is crusading for women's rights
    • Usage: The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate
  • pressing (verb) = press from a plastic

    Synonyms: press, press_out

    • Usage: press a record
  • pressing (verb) = make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby

    Synonyms: press, push

    • Usage: `Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman
  • pressing (verb) = press and smooth with a heated iron

    Synonyms: iron, iron_out, press

    • Usage: press your shirts
    • Usage: she stood there ironing
  • pressing (verb) = lift weights

    Synonyms: weight-lift, weightlift, press

    • Usage: This guy can press 300 pounds
  • pressing (verb) = ask for or request earnestly

    Synonyms: bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, press, conjure

    • Usage: The prophet bid all people to become good persons
  • pressing (adj) = compelling immediate action

    Synonyms: pressing, urgent

    • Usage: too pressing to permit of longer delay
    • Usage: the urgent words `Hurry! Hurry!'
    • Usage: bridges in urgent need of repair
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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