Poise meaning in Hindi

Poise is a english word.

Poise Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • poise = संतुलित करना

    • Usage: A diver poised his body before taking a dive.
  • poise = संतुलन

    • Usage: He seemed violent for a moment, but quickly recovered his poise.
    • Usage: She is a woman of great poise.

Poise Meaning in Detail

  • poise (noun) = a cgs unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one dyne-second per square centimeter; the viscosity of a fluid in which a force of one dyne per square centimeter maintains a velocity of 1 centimeter per second

    Synonyms: poise

  • poise (noun) = a state of being balanced in a stable equilibrium

    Synonyms: poise

  • poise (noun) = great coolness and composure under strain

    Synonyms: aplomb, assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid

    • Usage: keep your cool
  • poise (verb) = be motionless, in suspension

    Synonyms: poise

    • Usage: The bird poised for a few moments before it attacked
  • poise (verb) = prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult

    Synonyms: brace, poise

  • poise (verb) = cause to be balanced or suspended

    Synonyms: poise

  • poise (verb) = hold or carry in equilibrium

    Synonyms: poise, balance

  • Other words to learn

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