Pressurise meaning in Hindi

Pressurise is a english word.

Pressurise Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pressurise = दाबानुकूल

    • Usage: Reena's parents tried to pressurise her to marry Ravi.

Pressurise Meaning in Detail

  • pressurise (verb) = increase the pressure on a gas or liquid

    Synonyms: supercharge, pressurize, pressurise

  • pressurise (verb) = maintain a certain pressure

    Synonyms: pressurize, pressurise

    • Usage: the airplane cabin is pressurized
    • Usage: pressurize a space suit
  • pressurise (verb) = increase the pressure in or of

    Synonyms: pressurize, pressurise

    • Usage: The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort
  • Other words to learn

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