Profound meaning in Hindi

Profound is a english word.

Profound Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • profound = गहरा

    • Usage: Life of Gandhiji had a profound influence on the youngsters during the independnece movement.

Profound Meaning in Detail

  • profound (adj) = showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth

    Synonyms: profound

    • Usage: the differences are profound
    • Usage: a profound insight
    • Usage: a profound book
    • Usage: a profound mind
    • Usage: profound contempt
    • Usage: profound regret
  • profound (adj) = of the greatest intensity; complete

    Synonyms: profound

    • Usage: a profound silence
    • Usage: a state of profound shock
  • profound (adj) = far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something

    Synonyms: fundamental, profound

    • Usage: the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred
    • Usage: the book underwent fundamental changes
    • Usage: committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance
    • Usage: profound social changes
  • profound (adj) = coming from deep within one

    Synonyms: profound

    • Usage: a profound sigh
  • profound (adj) = (of sleep) deep and complete

    Synonyms: heavy, profound, sound, wakeless

    • Usage: a heavy sleep
    • Usage: fell into a profound sleep
    • Usage: a sound sleeper
    • Usage: deep wakeless sleep
  • profound (adj) = situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed

    Synonyms: profound, unfathomed, unplumbed, unsounded

    • Usage: the profound depths of the sea
    • Usage: the dark unfathomed caves of ocean"-Thomas Gray
    • Usage: unplumbed depths of the sea
    • Usage: remote and unsounded caverns
  • Other words to learn

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