Pull off meaning in Hindi

Pull off is a english word.

Pull off Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pull off = रुकना

    • Usage: The vehicle pulled off the highway to refresh its passengers.
  • pull off = सफल हो जाना

    • Usage: At last, he pulled off his examinations and came out in flying colours.

Pull off Meaning in Detail

  • pull off (verb) = pull or pull out sharply

    Synonyms: pluck, tweak, pull_off, pick_off

    • Usage: pluck the flowers off the bush
  • pull off (verb) = cause to withdraw

    Synonyms: pull_off

    • Usage: We pulled this firm off the project because they overcharged
  • pull off (verb) = be successful; achieve a goal

    Synonyms: pull_off, negociate, bring_off, carry_off, manage

    • Usage: She succeeded in persuading us all
    • Usage: I managed to carry the box upstairs
    • Usage: She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
    • Usage: The pianist negociated the difficult runs
  • pull off (verb) = remove by drawing or pulling

    Synonyms: draw_off, draw_away, pull_off

    • Usage: She placed the tray down and drew off the cloth
    • Usage: draw away the cloth that is covering the cheese
  • Other words to learn

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