Quotation meaning in Hindi

Quotation is a english word.

Quotation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • quotation = उद्धरण

    • Usage: Ram's essay is full of quotations from Gandhi's writings.
  • quotation = दर

    • Usage: Submit your quotations for the items required.
    • Usage:

Quotation Meaning in Detail

  • quotation (noun) = a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

    Synonyms: citation, cite, acknowledgment, credit, reference, mention, quotation

    • Usage: the student's essay failed to list several important citations
    • Usage: the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book
    • Usage: the article includes mention of similar clinical cases
  • quotation (noun) = a passage or expression that is quoted or cited

    Synonyms: quotation, quote, citation

  • quotation (noun) = a statement of the current market price of a security or commodity

    Synonyms: quotation

  • quotation (noun) = the practice of quoting from books or plays etc.

    Synonyms: quotation

    • Usage: since he lacks originality he must rely on quotation
  • Other words to learn

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