Rating meaning in Hindi

Rating is a english word.

Rating Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rating = श्रेणी नर्धारण

    • Usage: Government must give to the scientific research a high-priority rating

Rating Meaning in Detail

  • rating (noun) = an appraisal of the value of something

    Synonyms: evaluation, valuation, rating

    • Usage: he set a high valuation on friendship
  • rating (noun) = act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of

    Synonyms: evaluation, rating

  • rating (noun) = standing or position on a scale

    Synonyms: rating

  • rating (noun) = rank in a military organization

    Synonyms: military_rank, military_rating, paygrade, rating

  • rating (verb) = assign a rank or rating to

    Synonyms: rate, rank, range, order, grade, place

    • Usage: how would you rank these students?
    • Usage: The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
  • rating (verb) = be worthy of or have a certain rating

    Synonyms: rate

    • Usage: This bond rates highly
  • rating (verb) = estimate the value of

    Synonyms: rate, value

    • Usage: How would you rate his chances to become President?
    • Usage: Gold was rated highly among the Romans
  • rating (verb) = desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage

    Synonyms: rat

  • rating (verb) = employ scabs or strike breakers in

    Synonyms: rat

  • rating (verb) = take the place of work of someone on strike

    Synonyms: fink, scab, rat, blackleg

  • rating (verb) = give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat

    Synonyms: rat

  • rating (verb) = catch rats, especially with dogs

    Synonyms: rat

  • rating (verb) = give away information about somebody

    Synonyms: denounce, tell_on, betray, give_away, rat, grass, shit, shop, snitch, stag

    • Usage: He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam
  • Other words to learn

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