Ravage meaning in Hindi

Ravage is a english word.

Ravage Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ravage = उजाड़ना

    • Usage: The terrorists had ravaged the countryside.

Ravage Meaning in Detail

  • ravage (noun) = (usually plural) a destructive action

    Synonyms: ravage, depredation

    • Usage: the ravages of time
    • Usage: the depredations of age and disease
  • ravage (verb) = make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes

    Synonyms: harry, ravage

  • ravage (verb) = cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

    Synonyms: lay_waste_to, waste, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge

    • Usage: The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion
  • Other words to learn

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