Reasoning meaning in Hindi

Reasoning is a english word.

Reasoning Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • reasoning = तर्क वितर्क

    • Usage: Her reasoning on this point is correct.

Reasoning Meaning in Detail

  • reasoning (noun) = thinking that is coherent and logical

    Synonyms: reasoning, logical_thinking, abstract_thought

  • reasoning (verb) = decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion

    Synonyms: reason, reason_out, conclude

    • Usage: We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house
  • reasoning (verb) = present reasons and arguments

    Synonyms: argue, reason

  • reasoning (verb) = think logically

    Synonyms: reason

    • Usage: The children must learn to reason
  • reasoning (adj) = endowed with the capacity to reason

    Synonyms: intelligent, reasoning, thinking

  • Other words to learn

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