Spent meaning in Hindi

Spent is a english word.

Spent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • spent = थका-हारा

    • Usage: He returned to the pavilion spent and cold.

Spent Meaning in Detail

  • spent (verb) = pass time in a specific way

    Synonyms: spend, pass

    • Usage: how are you spending your summer vacation?
  • spent (verb) = pay out

    Synonyms: spend, expend, drop

    • Usage: spend money
  • spent (verb) = spend completely

    Synonyms: spend

    • Usage: I spend my pocket money in two days
  • spent (adj) = depleted of energy, force, or strength

    Synonyms: exhausted, spent

    • Usage: impossible to grow tobacco on the exhausted soil
    • Usage: the exhausted food sources
    • Usage: exhausted oil wells
  • spent (adj) = drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted

    Synonyms: exhausted, dog-tired, fagged, fatigued, played_out, spent, washed-out, worn-out, worn_out

    • Usage: the day's shopping left her exhausted
    • Usage: he went to bed dog-tired
    • Usage: was fagged and sweaty
    • Usage: the trembling of his played out limbs
    • Usage: felt completely washed-out
    • Usage: only worn-out horses and cattle
    • Usage: you look worn out
  • Other words to learn

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