Rebirth meaning in Hindi

Rebirth is a english word.

Rebirth Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rebirth = पुनर्जन्म

    • Usage: Hindues belive in rebirth.

Rebirth Meaning in Detail

  • rebirth (noun) = after death the soul begins a new cycle of existence in another human body

    Synonyms: metempsychosis, rebirth

  • rebirth (noun) = a second or new birth

    Synonyms: reincarnation, rebirth, renascence

  • rebirth (noun) = the revival of learning and culture

    Synonyms: rebirth, Renaissance, Renascence

  • rebirth (noun) = a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life

    Synonyms: conversion, rebirth, spiritual_rebirth

  • Other words to learn

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