Refractory meaning in Hindi

Refractory is a english word.

Refractory Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • refractory = हठीला/अड़ियल

    • Usage: The farmer was trying to control his refractory bull.

Refractory Meaning in Detail

  • refractory (noun) = lining consisting of material with a high melting point; used to line the inside walls of a furnace

    Synonyms: furnace_lining, refractory

  • refractory (adj) = not responding to treatment

    Synonyms: refractory, stubborn

    • Usage: a stubborn infection
    • Usage: a refractory case of acne
    • Usage: stubborn rust stains
  • refractory (adj) = temporarily unresponsive or not fully responsive to nervous or sexual stimuli

    Synonyms: refractory

    • Usage: the refractory period of a muscle fiber
  • refractory (adj) = stubbornly resistant to authority or control

    Synonyms: fractious, refractory, recalcitrant

    • Usage: a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness
    • Usage: a refractory child
  • Other words to learn

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