Remote meaning in Hindi

Remote is a english word.

Remote Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • remote = दूरवर्ती

    • Usage: He lives in the remotest parts of India.
  • remote = किंचित्

    • Usage: I don't have even the remotest idea of the incident.
  • remote = बेमिलनसार

    • Usage: She seems rather remote.

Remote Meaning in Detail

  • remote (noun) = a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance

    Synonyms: remote_control, remote

    • Usage: he lost the remote for his TV
  • remote (adj) = located far away spatially

    Synonyms: distant, remote

    • Usage: distant lands
    • Usage: remote stars
  • remote (adj) = very unlikely

    Synonyms: outside, remote

    • Usage: an outside chance
    • Usage: a remote possibility
    • Usage: a remote contingency
  • remote (adj) = separate or apart in time

    Synonyms: distant, remote, removed

    • Usage: distant events
    • Usage: the remote past or future
  • remote (adj) = inaccessible and sparsely populated;

    Synonyms: outback, remote

  • remote (adj) = far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship

    Synonyms: distant, remote

    • Usage: a distant cousin
    • Usage: a remote relative
    • Usage: a distant likeness
    • Usage: considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics
  • Other words to learn

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