Reorder meaning in Hindi

Reorder is a english word.

Reorder Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • reorder = क्रमानुसार लगाना

    • Usage: It may take me two hours to reorder these files.
  • reorder = पुनः मंगाना

    • Usage: Don't forget to reorder those books before the end of March.

Reorder Meaning in Detail

  • reorder (noun) = a repeated order for the same merchandise

    Synonyms: reorder

    • Usage: he's the one who sends out all the new orders and reorders
  • reorder (verb) = assign a new order to

    Synonyms: reorder

  • reorder (verb) = make a new request to be supplied with

    Synonyms: reorder

    • Usage: The store had to reorder the popular CD several times
  • Other words to learn

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