Rest meaning in Hindi

Rest is a english word.

Rest Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rest = विश्राम

    • Usage: Sunday is a day of rest for many.
  • rest = टेक/सहारा

    • Usage: An arm rest.
    • Usage: A rest for a telephone receiver.
  • rest = विराम

    • Usage: The trumpets have six bar's rest.
  • rest = गतिहीन

    • Usage: The football is lying at rest in the field.
  • rest = दफनाना

    • Usage: The king was laid to rest beside her late Queen.
  • rest = शेष

    • Usage: Eat what you wish and leave the rest.
    • Usage: He did the rest of the work.
  • rest = आराम करना

    • Usage: He is tired and he is resting now.
  • rest = शान्ति प्रदान करना

    • Usage: May her soul rest in peace.
  • rest = टेक पर रखना

    • Usage: He rested his head on a pillow.
  • rest = सुस्ताना

    • Usage: I will never rest until I know the truth.
  • rest = किसी पर निर्भर रहना

    • Usage: India's hope of a gold medal rested on P.T.Usha.
  • rest = घूर कर देखना

    • Usage: His eys rested on her face.
  • rest = कार्यवाही छोड़ देना

    • Usage: Let the Bofors case rest.
    • Usage: I rest my case.
  • rest = खेत खाली छोड़ देना

    • Usage: Let this field rest for a year.

Rest Meaning in Detail

  • rest (noun) = something left after other parts have been taken away

    Synonyms: remainder, balance, residual, residue, residuum, rest

    • Usage: there was no remainder
    • Usage: he threw away the rest
    • Usage: he took what he wanted and I got the balance
  • rest (noun) = freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)

    Synonyms: rest, ease, repose, relaxation

    • Usage: took his repose by the swimming pool
  • rest (noun) = a pause for relaxation

    Synonyms: respite, rest, relief, rest_period

    • Usage: people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests
  • rest (noun) = a state of inaction

    Synonyms: rest

    • Usage: a body will continue in a state of rest until acted upon
  • rest (noun) = euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)

    Synonyms: rest, eternal_rest, sleep, eternal_sleep, quietus

    • Usage: she was laid to rest beside her husband
    • Usage: they had to put their family pet to sleep
  • rest (noun) = a support on which things can be put

    Synonyms: rest

    • Usage: the gun was steadied on a special rest
  • rest (noun) = a musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration

    Synonyms: rest

  • rest (verb) = not move; be in a resting position

    Synonyms: rest

  • rest (verb) = take a short break from one's activities in order to relax

    Synonyms: rest, breathe, catch_one's_breath, take_a_breather

  • rest (verb) = give a rest to

    Synonyms: rest

    • Usage: He rested his bad leg
    • Usage: Rest the dogs for a moment
  • rest (verb) = have a place in relation to something else

    Synonyms: lie, rest

    • Usage: The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West
    • Usage: The responsibility rests with the Allies
  • rest (verb) = be at rest

    Synonyms: rest

  • rest (verb) = stay the same; remain in a certain state

    Synonyms: stay, remain, rest

    • Usage: The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it
    • Usage: rest assured
    • Usage: stay alone
    • Usage: He remained unmoved by her tears
    • Usage: The bad weather continued for another week
  • rest (verb) = be inherent or innate in;

    Synonyms: rest, reside, repose

  • rest (verb) = put something in a resting position, as for support or steadying

    Synonyms: rest

    • Usage: Rest your head on my shoulder
  • rest (verb) = sit, as on a branch

    Synonyms: perch, roost, rest

    • Usage: The birds perched high in the tree
  • rest (verb) = rest on or as if on a pillow

    Synonyms: pillow, rest

    • Usage: pillow your head
  • rest (verb) = be inactive, refrain from acting

    Synonyms: rest

    • Usage: The committee is resting over the summer
  • Other words to learn

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