Reverend meaning in Hindi

Reverend is a english word.

Reverend Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • reverend = आदरणीय

    • Usage: (abbrs.rev,revd.)used as the title of a member of the CLERGY.the reverend Charles Dodgson,the rev.john smith.rev,father,rev.mother.

Reverend Meaning in Detail

  • reverend (noun) = a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church

    Synonyms: clergyman, reverend, man_of_the_cloth

  • reverend (noun) = a title of respect for a clergyman

    Synonyms: Reverend

  • reverend (adj) = worthy of adoration or reverence

    Synonyms: reverend, sublime

  • Other words to learn

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