Pitch meaning in Hindi

Pitch is a english word.

Pitch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pitch = खेल के लिए स्थान

    • Usage: The cricket pitch is wet now.
  • pitch = तारत्व/सुर/स्वर

    • Usage: A train seens to have higher pitch as the train approaches.
  • pitch = ऊँचाई

    • Usage: The dancer's talent reached the pitch of perfection.
  • pitch = फ़ेंक/क्षेपण

    • Usage: The basket ball player gave an exact pitch and the ball fell in the basket.
  • pitch = उचनिचाव

    • Usage: The ship travelled on the sea with a pitch.
  • pitch = स्थिर करना

    • Usage: Their prices are pitched lower than those of their competition.
  • pitch = लगाना

    • Usage: Pitch the transistor to maximum.
  • pitch = फ़ेंकना

    • Usage: Pitch pebbles into that river.
  • pitch = टप्पा खाना

    • Usage: The ball pitched short.
  • pitch = गिरना{धडाम से}

    • Usage: The boy suddenly pitched forward out of his seat when the driver applied a sudden break.
  • pitch = डूबना-उतराना

    • Usage: The ship pitched in the sea due to tides.
  • pitch = डेरा डालना

    • Usage: We pitched camp near the river while tracking.
  • pitch = डामर/अलकतरा

    • Usage: Pitch is a useful product in sealing gaps.

Pitch Meaning in Detail

  • pitch (noun) = the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration

    Synonyms: pitch

  • pitch (noun) = (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter

    Synonyms: pitch, delivery

  • pitch (noun) = a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk)

    Synonyms: pitch

    • Usage: he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors
  • pitch (noun) = promotion by means of an argument and demonstration

    Synonyms: sales_talk, sales_pitch, pitch

  • pitch (noun) = degree of deviation from a horizontal plane

    Synonyms: pitch, rake, slant

    • Usage: the roof had a steep pitch
  • pitch (noun) = any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue

    Synonyms: pitch, tar

  • pitch (noun) = a high approach shot in golf

    Synonyms: pitch, pitch_shot

  • pitch (noun) = an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump

    Synonyms: pitch, auction_pitch

  • pitch (noun) = abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance)

    Synonyms: lurch, pitch, pitching

    • Usage: the pitching and tossing was quite exciting
  • pitch (noun) = the action or manner of throwing something

    Synonyms: pitch

    • Usage: his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor
  • pitch (verb) = throw or toss with a light motion

    Synonyms: flip, toss, sky, pitch

    • Usage: flip me the beachball
    • Usage: toss me newspaper
  • pitch (verb) = move abruptly

    Synonyms: lurch, pitch, shift

    • Usage: The ship suddenly lurched to the left
  • pitch (verb) = fall or plunge forward

    Synonyms: pitch

    • Usage: She pitched over the railing of the balcony
  • pitch (verb) = set to a certain pitch

    Synonyms: pitch

    • Usage: He pitched his voice very low
  • pitch (verb) = sell or offer for sale from place to place

    Synonyms: peddle, monger, huckster, hawk, vend, pitch

  • pitch (verb) = be at an angle

    Synonyms: slope, incline, pitch

    • Usage: The terrain sloped down
  • pitch (verb) = heel over

    Synonyms: cant, cant_over, tilt, slant, pitch

    • Usage: The tower is tilting
    • Usage: The ceiling is slanting
  • pitch (verb) = erect and fasten

    Synonyms: pitch, set_up

    • Usage: pitch a tent
  • pitch (verb) = throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball

    Synonyms: deliver, pitch

    • Usage: The pitcher delivered the ball
  • pitch (verb) = hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin

    Synonyms: pitch

  • pitch (verb) = lead (a card) and establish the trump suit

    Synonyms: pitch

  • pitch (verb) = set the level or character of

    Synonyms: gear, pitch

    • Usage: She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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