Roar meaning in Hindi

Roar is a english word.

Roar Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • roar = दहाड़

    • Usage: The roar of the traffic was unbearable.
  • roar = दहाड़ना

    • Usage: Tigers are roaring in their cages.
    • Usage: How dare you speak to me like that,she roared.
  • roar = ग<F6>ड़गड़ाना

    • Usage: His motorbike roared up the hill.

Roar Meaning in Detail

  • roar (noun) = a deep prolonged loud noise

    Synonyms: boom, roar, roaring, thunder

  • roar (noun) = a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)

    Synonyms: bellow, bellowing, holla, holler, hollering, hollo, holloa, roar, roaring, yowl

    • Usage: his bellow filled the hallway
  • roar (noun) = the sound made by a lion

    Synonyms: roar

  • roar (verb) = make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles

    Synonyms: roar, howl

    • Usage: The wind was howling in the trees
    • Usage: The water roared down the chute
  • roar (verb) = utter words loudly and forcefully

    Synonyms: thunder, roar

    • Usage: `Get out of here,' he roared
  • roar (verb) = emit long loud cries

    Synonyms: howl, ululate, wail, roar, yawl, yaup

    • Usage: wail in self-pity
    • Usage: howl with sorrow
  • roar (verb) = act or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way

    Synonyms: roar

    • Usage: desperadoes from the hills regularly roared in to take over the town"-R.A.Billington
  • roar (verb) = make a loud noise, as of animal

    Synonyms: bellow, roar

    • Usage: The bull bellowed
  • roar (verb) = laugh unrestrainedly and heartily

    Synonyms: roar, howl

  • Other words to learn

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