Rugged meaning in Hindi

Rugged is a english word.

Rugged Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rugged = ऊँचा-नीचा

    • Usage: Her city is surrounded by rocky and rugged mountains.
  • rugged = ऊबड़ खाबड़

    • Usage: It was a rugged road going up the mountains.
  • rugged = सख्त

    • Usage: He has a rugged face.
    • Usage: Her boss is a rugged individualist.
  • rugged = मज़बूत

    • Usage: Everybody knows that tata sumo is a rugged vehicle.

Rugged Meaning in Detail

  • rugged (adj) = sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring

    Synonyms: rugged

    • Usage: with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture
  • rugged (adj) = having long narrow shallow depressions (as grooves or wrinkles) in the surface

    Synonyms: furrowed, rugged

    • Usage: furrowed fields
    • Usage: his furrowed face lit by a warming smile
  • rugged (adj) = topographically very uneven

    Synonyms: broken, rugged

    • Usage: broken terrain
    • Usage: rugged ground
  • rugged (adj) = very difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution

    Synonyms: rugged, tough

    • Usage: a rugged competitive examination
    • Usage: the rugged conditions of frontier life
    • Usage: the competition was tough
    • Usage: it's a tough life
    • Usage: it was a tough job
  • Other words to learn

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