Scalp meaning in Hindi

Scalp is a english word.

Scalp Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • scalp = सिर की खाल

    • Usage: Unhealthy scalp can cause dandruff.
  • scalp = सिर की खाल् उतारना

    • Usage: Hitler scalped the Jews, whom he considered impure.

Scalp Meaning in Detail

  • scalp (noun) = the skin that covers the top of the head

    Synonyms: scalp

    • Usage: they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy
  • scalp (verb) = sell illegally, as on the black market

    Synonyms: scalp

  • scalp (verb) = remove the scalp of

    Synonyms: scalp

    • Usage: The enemies were scalped
  • Other words to learn

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