Scarf meaning in Hindi

Scarf is a english word.

Scarf Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • scarf = स्कार्फ

    • Usage: She tied a scarf before going out.

Scarf Meaning in Detail

  • scarf (noun) = a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration

    Synonyms: scarf

  • scarf (noun) = a joint made by notching the ends of two pieces of timber or metal so that they will lock together end-to-end

    Synonyms: scarf_joint, scarf

  • scarf (verb) = masturbate while strangling oneself

    Synonyms: scarf

  • scarf (verb) = unite by a scarf joint

    Synonyms: scarf

  • scarf (verb) = wrap in or adorn with a scarf

    Synonyms: scarf

  • Other words to learn

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