Scoop meaning in Hindi

Scoop is a english word.

Scoop Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • scoop = कलछी

    • Usage: I want a scoop full of rice.
  • scoop = हतथा

    • Usage: Give me a scoop full of tasty icecream.
  • scoop = अनूठी खबर

    • Usage: This is a very exciting and important royal scoop.
  • scoop = तगड़ा गूनाफा

    • Usage: She caught a famous theif and got a reward of a big scoop of Rs.100000.

Scoop Meaning in Detail

  • scoop (noun) = the quantity a scoop will hold

    Synonyms: scoop, scoopful

  • scoop (noun) = a hollow concave shape made by removing something

    Synonyms: scoop, pocket

  • scoop (noun) = a news report that is reported first by one news organization

    Synonyms: exclusive, scoop

    • Usage: he got a scoop on the bribery of city officials
  • scoop (noun) = street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate

    Synonyms: soap, scoop, max, liquid_ecstasy, grievous_bodily_harm, goop, Georgia_home_boy, easy_lay

  • scoop (noun) = the shovel or bucket of a dredge or backhoe

    Synonyms: scoop, scoop_shovel

  • scoop (noun) = a large ladle

    Synonyms: scoop

    • Usage: he used a scoop to serve the ice cream
  • scoop (verb) = take out or up with or as if with a scoop

    Synonyms: scoop, scoop_out, lift_out, scoop_up, take_up

    • Usage: scoop the sugar out of the container
  • scoop (verb) = get the better of

    Synonyms: outdo, outflank, trump, best, scoop

    • Usage: the goal was to best the competition
  • Other words to learn

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