Dissociate meaning in Hindi

Dissociate is a english word.

Dissociate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dissociate = अलग करना या हो जाना

    • Usage: You must dissociate these two events!

Dissociate Meaning in Detail

  • dissociate (verb) = part; cease or break association with

    Synonyms: disassociate, dissociate, divorce, disunite, disjoint

    • Usage: She disassociated herself from the organization when she found out the identity of the president
  • dissociate (verb) = regard as unconnected

    Synonyms: decouple, dissociate

    • Usage: you must dissociate these two events!
    • Usage: decouple our foreign policy from ideology
  • dissociate (verb) = to undergo a reversible or temporary breakdown of a molecule into simpler molecules or atoms

    Synonyms: dissociate

    • Usage: acids dissociate to give hydrogen ions
  • Other words to learn

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