Scourge meaning in Hindi

Scourge is a english word.

Scourge Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • scourge = कोड़ा

    • Usage: The gentleman ordered the assistants to punish him with
    • Usage: scourge
  • scourge = महाविपत्ती

    • Usage: He is the scourge of whole mysterious event.

Scourge Meaning in Detail

  • scourge (noun) = a whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic humor)

    Synonyms: scourge, flagellum

  • scourge (noun) = something causing misery or death

    Synonyms: bane, curse, scourge, nemesis

    • Usage: the bane of my life
  • scourge (noun) = a person who inspires fear or dread

    Synonyms: terror, scourge, threat

    • Usage: he was the terror of the neighborhood
  • scourge (verb) = punish severely; excoriate

    Synonyms: scourge

  • scourge (verb) = whip

    Synonyms: flagellate, scourge

    • Usage: The religious fanatics flagellated themselves
  • scourge (verb) = cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

    Synonyms: lay_waste_to, waste, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge

    • Usage: The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion
  • Other words to learn

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