Seem meaning in Hindi

Seem is a english word.

Seem Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • seem = प्रतीत होना/लगना/जान पड़ना

    • Usage: It seems that it will rain heavily today.

Seem Meaning in Detail

  • seem (verb) = give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect

    Synonyms: look, appear, seem

    • Usage: She seems to be sleeping
    • Usage: This appears to be a very difficult problem
    • Usage: This project looks fishy
    • Usage: They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time
  • seem (verb) = seem to be true, probable, or apparent

    Synonyms: appear, seem

    • Usage: It seems that he is very gifted
    • Usage: It appears that the weather in California is very bad
  • seem (verb) = appear to exist

    Synonyms: seem

    • Usage: There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now
  • seem (verb) = appear to one's own mind or opinion

    Synonyms: seem

    • Usage: I seem to be misunderstood by everyone
    • Usage: I can't seem to learn these Chinese characters
  • Other words to learn

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