Shavings meaning in Hindi

Shavings is a english word.

Shavings Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shavings = कतरन/छीलन

    • Usage: He spread the shavings everywhere on the floor.

Shavings Meaning in Detail

  • shavings (noun) = the act of removing hair with a razor

    Synonyms: shave, shaving

  • shavings (noun) = a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something

    Synonyms: paring, sliver, shaving

  • shavings (noun) = the act of brushing against while passing

    Synonyms: grazing, shaving, skimming

  • shavings (verb) = remove body hair with a razor

    Synonyms: shave

  • shavings (verb) = cut closely

    Synonyms: shave, trim

    • Usage: trim my beard
  • shavings (verb) = cut the price of

    Synonyms: shave, knock_off

  • shavings (verb) = cut or remove with or as if with a plane

    Synonyms: plane, shave

    • Usage: The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood
  • shavings (verb) = make shavings of or reduce to shavings

    Synonyms: shave

    • Usage: shave the radish
  • shavings (verb) = touch the surface of lightly

    Synonyms: shave

    • Usage: His back shaved the counter in passing
  • Other words to learn

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