Shine meaning in Hindi

Shine is a english word.

Shine Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shine = चमकना

    • Usage: I like to watch the stars shining in the night sky.
  • shine = चमक

    • Usage: Give your shoes a good shine.

Shine Meaning in Detail

  • shine (noun) = the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light

    Synonyms: radiance, radiancy, shine, effulgence, refulgence, refulgency

  • shine (verb) = be bright by reflecting or casting light

    Synonyms: reflect, shine

    • Usage: Drive carefully--the wet road reflects
  • shine (verb) = emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light

    Synonyms: shine, beam

    • Usage: The sun shone bright that day
    • Usage: The fire beamed on their faces
  • shine (verb) = be shiny, as if wet

    Synonyms: glitter, glisten, glint, gleam, shine

    • Usage: His eyes were glistening
  • shine (verb) = be distinguished or eminent

    Synonyms: shine

    • Usage: His talent shines
  • shine (verb) = be clear and obvious

    Synonyms: shine

    • Usage: A shining example
  • shine (verb) = have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink

    Synonyms: glow, beam, radiate, shine

    • Usage: Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna
  • shine (verb) = throw or flash the light of (a lamp)

    Synonyms: shine

    • Usage: Shine the light on that window, please
  • shine (verb) = touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly

    Synonyms: fall, shine, strike

    • Usage: Light fell on her face
    • Usage: The sun shone on the fields
    • Usage: The light struck the golden necklace
    • Usage: A strange sound struck my ears
  • shine (verb) = experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion

    Synonyms: glow, beam, radiate, shine

    • Usage: She was beaming with joy
    • Usage: Her face radiated with happiness
  • shine (verb) = make (a surface) shine

    Synonyms: polish, smooth, smoothen, shine

    • Usage: shine the silver, please
    • Usage: polish my shoes
  • Other words to learn

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