Significant meaning in Hindi

Significant is a english word.

Significant Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • significant = महत्त्वपूर्ण

    • Usage: There is a significant decline in the child mortality in past few years.
  • significant = सार्थक/अर्थपूर्ण

    • Usage: His presence was significant at the premire of the film.

Significant Meaning in Detail

  • significant (adj) = important in effect or meaning

    Synonyms: significant, important

    • Usage: a significant change in tax laws
    • Usage: a significant change in the Constitution
    • Usage: a significant contribution
    • Usage: significant details
    • Usage: statistically significant
  • significant (adj) = fairly large

    Synonyms: significant, substantial

    • Usage: won by a substantial margin
  • significant (adj) = too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation

    Synonyms: significant

    • Usage: the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level
    • Usage: no significant difference was found
  • significant (adj) = rich in significance or implication

    Synonyms: meaning, pregnant, significant

    • Usage: a meaning look
  • Other words to learn

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