Silver meaning in Hindi

Silver is a english word.

Silver Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • silver = चाँदी

    • Usage: Silver is used to electroplate reactive metals.
  • silver = चाँदी का पदक

    • Usage: He won four silvers for his state.
  • silver = चाँदी चढ़ाना

    • Usage: He owns a fine silvered bracelet.
  • silver = रजत/राजत

    • Usage: He has an attractive silver sports car.

Silver Meaning in Detail

  • silver (noun) = a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography

    Synonyms: silver, Ag, atomic_number_47

  • silver (noun) = coins made of silver

    Synonyms: silver

  • silver (noun) = a light shade of grey

    Synonyms: ash_grey, ash_gray, silver, silver_grey, silver_gray

  • silver (noun) = silverware eating utensils

    Synonyms: flatware, silver

  • silver (noun) = a trophy made of silver (or having the appearance of silver) that is usually awarded for winning second place in a competition

    Synonyms: silver_medal, silver

  • silver (verb) = coat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam

    Synonyms: silver

    • Usage: silver the necklace
  • silver (verb) = make silver in color

    Synonyms: silver

    • Usage: Her worries had silvered her hair
  • silver (verb) = turn silver

    Synonyms: silver

    • Usage: The man's hair silvered very attractively
  • silver (adj) = made from or largely consisting of silver

    Synonyms: silver

    • Usage: silver bracelets
  • silver (adj) = having the white lustrous sheen of silver

    Synonyms: silver, silvern, silvery

    • Usage: a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap
    • Usage: repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen
  • silver (adj) = of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver

    Synonyms: argent, silver, silvery, silverish

    • Usage: silvery hair
  • silver (adj) = expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

    Synonyms: eloquent, facile, fluent, silver, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken

    • Usage: able to dazzle with his facile tongue
    • Usage: silver speech
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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