Slapstick meaning in Hindi

Slapstick is a english word.

Slapstick Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • slapstick = हँसी मज़ाक

    • Usage: Jokers do slapsticks in circus.

Slapstick Meaning in Detail

  • slapstick (noun) = a boisterous comedy with chases and collisions and practical jokes

    Synonyms: slapstick

  • slapstick (noun) = acoustic device consisting of two paddles hinged together; used by an actor to make a loud noise without inflicting injury when striking someone

    Synonyms: slapstick

  • slapstick (adj) = characterized by horseplay and physical action

    Synonyms: slapstick

    • Usage: slapstick style of humor
  • Other words to learn

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