Slog meaning in Hindi

Slog is a english word.

Slog Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • slog = ज़ोर से मारना

    • Usage: The ball is slogged after 40 overs in a cricket match.

Slog Meaning in Detail

  • slog (verb) = work doggedly or persistently

    Synonyms: plug_away, peg_away, slog, keep_one's_nose_to_the_grindstone, keep_one's_shoulder_to_the_wheel

    • Usage: She keeps plugging away at her dissertation
  • slog (verb) = walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud

    Synonyms: slog, footslog, plod, trudge, pad, tramp

    • Usage: Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone
  • slog (verb) = strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat

    Synonyms: slug, slog, swig

    • Usage: He slugged me so hard that I passed out
  • Other words to learn

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