Slump meaning in Hindi

Slump is a english word.

Slump Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • slump = गिरावट

    • Usage: The slump occured in share market in USA in 1..
  • slump = गिर पड़ना

    • Usage: During the period of 'Great depression' the economy of most of the European countries was slumped.

Slump Meaning in Detail

  • slump (noun) = a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality

    Synonyms: slump, slack, drop-off, falloff, falling_off

    • Usage: the team went into a slump
    • Usage: a gradual slack in output
    • Usage: a drop-off in attendance
    • Usage: a falloff in quality
  • slump (noun) = a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment

    Synonyms: depression, slump, economic_crisis

  • slump (verb) = assume a drooping posture or carriage

    Synonyms: slump, slouch

  • slump (verb) = fall or sink heavily

    Synonyms: slump, slide_down, sink

    • Usage: He slumped onto the couch
    • Usage: My spirits sank
  • slump (verb) = fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly

    Synonyms: slump, fall_off, sink

    • Usage: The real estate market fell off
  • slump (verb) = go down in value

    Synonyms: decline, slump, correct

    • Usage: the stock market corrected
    • Usage: prices slumped
  • Other words to learn

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