Smash meaning in Hindi

Smash is a english word.

Smash Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • smash = टकराने की ध्वनि

    • Usage: The plate hit the floor with a smash.
  • smash = टकराव

    • Usage: The impact of smash was so great that he crushed many people in the crowd with his car.
  • smash = दुर्घटना

    • Usage: Due to technical defects car smash took place at work.
  • smash = ज़ोरसे मारना

    • Usage: Street children throwing stones on the road smash the passing vehicles.
  • smash = पराजित करना/अंत करना

    • Usage: World powers today are uniting to smash terrorism.

Smash Meaning in Detail

  • smash (noun) = a vigorous blow

    Synonyms: knock, bash, bang, smash, belt

    • Usage: the sudden knock floored him
    • Usage: he took a bash right in his face
    • Usage: he got a bang on the head
  • smash (noun) = a serious collision (especially of motor vehicles)

    Synonyms: smash, smash-up

  • smash (noun) = a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head

    Synonyms: overhead, smash

  • smash (noun) = the act of colliding with something

    Synonyms: crash, smash

    • Usage: his crash through the window
    • Usage: the fullback's smash into the defensive line
  • smash (noun) = a conspicuous success

    Synonyms: hit, smash, smasher, strike, bang

    • Usage: that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career
    • Usage: that new Broadway show is a real smasher
    • Usage: the party went with a bang
  • smash (verb) = hit hard

    Synonyms: smash, nail, boom, blast

    • Usage: He smashed a 3-run homer
  • smash (verb) = break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over

    Synonyms: smash, dash

    • Usage: Smash a plate
  • smash (verb) = reduce to bankruptcy

    Synonyms: bankrupt, ruin, break, smash

    • Usage: My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!
    • Usage: The slump in the financial markets smashed him
  • smash (verb) = hit violently

    Synonyms: smash

    • Usage: She smashed her car against the guard rail
  • smash (verb) = humiliate or depress completely

    Synonyms: crush, smash, demolish

    • Usage: She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation
    • Usage: The death of her son smashed her
  • smash (verb) = damage or destroy as if by violence

    Synonyms: bang_up, smash_up, smash

    • Usage: The teenager banged up the car of his mother
  • smash (verb) = hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke

    Synonyms: smash

  • smash (verb) = collide or strike violently and suddenly

    Synonyms: smash

    • Usage: The motorcycle smashed into the guard rail
  • smash (verb) = overthrow or destroy (something considered evil or harmful)

    Synonyms: smash

    • Usage: The police smashed the drug ring after they were tipped off
  • smash (verb) = break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow

    Synonyms: smash

    • Usage: The window smashed
  • smash (adv) = with a loud crash

    Synonyms: smash, smashingly

    • Usage: the car went smash through the fence
  • Other words to learn

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