Snout meaning in Hindi

Snout is a english word.

Snout Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • snout = थूथन

    • Usage: Only the crocodiles' snout is visible above the water.
  • snout = तुण्ड

    • Usage: He was staring into the snout of his pistol.

Snout Meaning in Detail

  • snout (noun) = a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal's head; especially the nose

    Synonyms: snout, neb

  • snout (noun) = informal terms for the nose

    Synonyms: beak, honker, hooter, nozzle, snoot, snout, schnozzle, schnoz

  • snout (noun) = beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils

    Synonyms: snout, rostrum

  • Other words to learn

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