Spread meaning in Hindi

Spread is a english word.

Spread Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • spread = फैलाना

    • Usage: Spead Jam on the bread and then eat.

Spread Meaning in Detail

  • spread (noun) = process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space

    Synonyms: spread, spreading

  • spread (noun) = a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures

    Synonyms: gap, spread

    • Usage: gap between income and outgo
    • Usage: the spread between lending and borrowing costs
  • spread (noun) = farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)

    Synonyms: ranch, spread, cattle_ranch, cattle_farm

  • spread (noun) = a haphazard distribution in all directions

    Synonyms: scatter, spread

  • spread (noun) = a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes

    Synonyms: spread, paste

  • spread (noun) = a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed

    Synonyms: banquet, feast, spread

    • Usage: a banquet for the graduating seniors
    • Usage: the Thanksgiving feast
    • Usage: they put out quite a spread
  • spread (noun) = two facing pages of a book or other publication

    Synonyms: spread, spread_head, spreadhead, facing_pages

  • spread (noun) = the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age)

    Synonyms: spread

    • Usage: she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread
  • spread (noun) = decorative cover for a bed

    Synonyms: bedspread, bedcover, bed_cover, bed_covering, counterpane, spread

  • spread (noun) = act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time

    Synonyms: spread, spreading

  • spread (verb) = distribute or disperse widely

    Synonyms: spread, distribute

    • Usage: The invaders spread their language all over the country
  • spread (verb) = become distributed or widespread

    Synonyms: spread, propagate

    • Usage: the infection spread
    • Usage: Optimism spread among the population
  • spread (verb) = spread across or over

    Synonyms: spread, overspread

    • Usage: A big oil spot spread across the water
  • spread (verb) = spread out or open from a closed or folded state

    Synonyms: unfold, spread, spread_out, open

    • Usage: open the map
    • Usage: spread your arms
  • spread (verb) = cause to become widely known

    Synonyms: circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass_around

    • Usage: spread information
    • Usage: circulate a rumor
    • Usage: broadcast the news
  • spread (verb) = become widely known and passed on

    Synonyms: go_around, spread, circulate

    • Usage: the rumor spread
    • Usage: the story went around in the office
  • spread (verb) = strew or distribute over an area

    Synonyms: spread, scatter, spread_out

    • Usage: He spread fertilizer over the lawn
    • Usage: scatter cards across the table
  • spread (verb) = move outward

    Synonyms: diffuse, spread, spread_out, fan_out

    • Usage: The soldiers fanned out
  • spread (verb) = cover by spreading something over

    Synonyms: spread

    • Usage: spread the bread with cheese
  • spread (verb) = distribute over a surface in a layer

    Synonyms: spread

    • Usage: spread cheese on a piece of bread
  • spread (adj) = distributed or spread over a considerable extent

    Synonyms: dispersed, spread

    • Usage: has ties with many widely dispersed friends
    • Usage: eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe
  • spread (adj) = prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out

    Synonyms: spread

    • Usage: a table spread with food
  • spread (adj) = fully extended in width

    Synonyms: outspread, spread

    • Usage: outspread wings
    • Usage: with arms spread wide
  • Other words to learn

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