Squelch meaning in Hindi

Squelch is a english word.

Squelch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • squelch = फच-फच करना

    • Usage: His shoes squelched as they were wet.
  • squelch = मुँह तोड़ जवाब देना

Squelch Meaning in Detail

  • squelch (noun) = a crushing remark

    Synonyms: put-down, squelch, squelcher, takedown

  • squelch (noun) = an electric circuit that cuts off a receiver when the signal becomes weaker than the noise

    Synonyms: squelch_circuit, squelch, squelcher

  • squelch (verb) = suppress or crush completely

    Synonyms: squelch, quell, quench

    • Usage: squelch any sign of dissent
    • Usage: quench a rebellion
  • squelch (verb) = make a sucking sound

    Synonyms: squelch

  • squelch (verb) = walk through mud or mire

    Synonyms: squelch, squish, splash, splosh, slosh, slop

    • Usage: We had to splosh across the wet meadow
  • squelch (verb) = to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

    Synonyms: squash, crush, squelch, mash, squeeze

    • Usage: crush an aluminum can
    • Usage: squeeze a lemon
  • Other words to learn

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