Stand up meaning in Hindi

Stand up is a english word.

Stand up Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stand up = आमने सामने की

    • Usage: A stand up row with elders in not a good act on part of youngesters.

Stand up Meaning in Detail

  • stand up (verb) = rise to one's feet

    Synonyms: arise, rise, uprise, get_up, stand_up

    • Usage: The audience got up and applauded
  • stand up (verb) = refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack

    Synonyms: stand_up

  • stand up (verb) = put into an upright position

    Synonyms: stand, stand_up, place_upright

    • Usage: Can you stand the bookshelf up?
  • stand up (verb) = be standing; be upright

    Synonyms: stand, stand_up

    • Usage: We had to stand for the entire performance!
  • stand up (verb) = defend against attack or criticism

    Synonyms: stand_up, stick_up

    • Usage: He stood up for his friend
    • Usage: She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student
  • stand up (verb) = resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.

    Synonyms: stand_up, hold_up, hold_water

    • Usage: Her shoes won't hold up
    • Usage: This theory won't hold water
  • stand up (verb) = rise up as in fear

    Synonyms: bristle, uprise, stand_up

    • Usage: The dog's fur bristled
    • Usage: It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!
  • Other words to learn

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