Tart meaning in Hindi

Tart is a english word.

Tart Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tart = खट्टा

    • Usage: The mango has a tart taste.
  • tart = टार्ट{फल का बना हुआ छोटा पतला केक}

    • Usage: She made tart for lunch.

Tart Meaning in Detail

  • tart (noun) = a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money

    Synonyms: prostitute, cocotte, whore, harlot, bawd, tart, cyprian, fancy_woman, working_girl, sporting_lady, lady_of_pleasure, woman_of_the_street

  • tart (noun) = a small open pie with a fruit filling

    Synonyms: tart

  • tart (noun) = a pastry cup with a filling of fruit or custard and no top crust

    Synonyms: tart

  • tart (adj) = tasting sour like a lemon

    Synonyms: lemony, lemonlike, sourish, tangy, tart

  • tart (adj) = harsh

    Synonyms: sharp, sharp-worded, tart

    • Usage: sharp criticism
    • Usage: a sharp-worded exchange
    • Usage: a tart remark
  • Other words to learn

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