Stock-Still meaning in Hindi

Stock-Still is a english word.

Stock-Still Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stock-Still = स्थिर

    • Usage: After the budget is announced, the prices of goods stand stock still.

Stock-Still Meaning in Detail

  • stock-Still (adj) = absolutely still

    Synonyms: frozen, rooted, stock-still

    • Usage: frozen with horror
    • Usage: they stood rooted in astonishment
  • stock-Still (adv) = without moving or making a sound

    Synonyms: still, stock-still

    • Usage: he sat still as a statue
    • Usage: time stood still
    • Usage: they waited stock-still outside the door
    • Usage: he couldn't hold still any longer
  • Other words to learn

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