Stomach meaning in Hindi

Stomach is a english word.

Stomach Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stomach = पेट

    • Usage: I did not eat the dinner, as my stomach was full.
  • stomach = भूख

    • Usage: when I came back from the school, I had the stomach to eat anything I get.
  • stomach = इच्छा

    • Usage: After a full day slog, I didn't have the stomach to argue with my brother.

Stomach Meaning in Detail

  • stomach (noun) = an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion

    Synonyms: stomach, tummy, tum, breadbasket

  • stomach (noun) = the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis

    Synonyms: abdomen, venter, stomach, belly

  • stomach (noun) = an inclination or liking for things involving conflict or difficulty or unpleasantness

    Synonyms: stomach

    • Usage: he had no stomach for a fight
  • stomach (noun) = an appetite for food

    Synonyms: stomach

    • Usage: exercise gave him a good stomach for dinner
  • stomach (verb) = bear to eat

    Synonyms: stomach

    • Usage: He cannot stomach raw fish
  • stomach (verb) = put up with something or somebody unpleasant

    Synonyms: digest, endure, stick_out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put_up

    • Usage: I cannot bear his constant criticism
    • Usage: The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks
    • Usage: he learned to tolerate the heat
    • Usage: She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage
  • Other words to learn

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