Strength meaning in Hindi

Strength is a english word.

Strength Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • strength = बल/ताकत

    • Usage: Subhash chandra bose possessed great strength of character.
    • Usage: Weightlifters have great strength.
    • Usage: Strength of public opinion can overturn the big powers.
  • strength = गुण/क्षमता

    • Usage: Pallavi's strength is her command on language.
  • strength = कुल संख्या

    • Usage: The strength of class XIIth is 70.

Strength Meaning in Detail

  • strength (noun) = the property of being physically or mentally strong

    Synonyms: strength

    • Usage: fatigue sapped his strength
  • strength (noun) = capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war

    Synonyms: military_capability, military_strength, strength, military_posture, posture

    • Usage: we faced an army of great strength
    • Usage: politicians have neglected our military posture
  • strength (noun) = physical energy or intensity

    Synonyms: force, forcefulness, strength

    • Usage: he hit with all the force he could muster
    • Usage: it was destroyed by the strength of the gale
    • Usage: a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man
  • strength (noun) = an asset of special worth or utility

    Synonyms: forte, strong_suit, long_suit, metier, specialty, speciality, strong_point, strength

    • Usage: cooking is his forte
  • strength (noun) = the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty

    Synonyms: persuasiveness, strength

    • Usage: the strength of his argument settled the matter
  • strength (noun) = the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation)

    Synonyms: intensity, strength, intensity_level

    • Usage: he adjusted the intensity of the sound
    • Usage: they measured the station's signal strength
  • strength (noun) = capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects

    Synonyms: potency, effectiveness, strength

    • Usage: the toxin's potency
    • Usage: the strength of the drinks
  • strength (noun) = the condition of financial success

    Synonyms: strength

    • Usage: the strength of the company's stock in recent weeks
  • strength (noun) = permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force

    Synonyms: lastingness, durability, enduringness, strength

    • Usage: they advertised the durability of their products
  • Other words to learn

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