Stub meaning in Hindi

Stub is a english word.

Stub Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stub = टुकड़ा

    • Usage: My pencil had been worn down to a stub.
  • stub = मुसन्ना

    • Usage: Fill in a cheque stub.
  • stub = से ठोकर खाना या लगना

    • Usage: I have stubbed my toe on a rock.
  • stub = बुझा देना

    • Usage: He stubbed the cigarette with his shoe.

Stub Meaning in Detail

  • stub (noun) = a short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is lost

    Synonyms: stub

  • stub (noun) = a small piece

    Synonyms: nub, stub

    • Usage: a nub of coal
    • Usage: a stub of a pencil
  • stub (noun) = a torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt

    Synonyms: stub, ticket_stub

  • stub (noun) = the part of a check that is retained as a record

    Synonyms: stub, check_stub, counterfoil

  • stub (noun) = the small unused part of something (especially the end of a cigarette that is left after smoking)

    Synonyms: butt, stub

  • stub (verb) = pull up (weeds) by their roots

    Synonyms: stub

  • stub (verb) = extinguish by crushing

    Synonyms: stub

    • Usage: stub out your cigarette now
  • stub (verb) = clear of weeds by uprooting them

    Synonyms: stub

    • Usage: stub a field
  • stub (verb) = strike (one's toe) accidentally against an object

    Synonyms: stub

    • Usage: She stubbed her toe in the dark and now it's broken
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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